What to Do If You Have a Honey Bee Swarm

What to Do If You Have a Honey Bee Swarm

At this time of year, you might spot a swarm of honey bees on your property. Rather than be alarmed, you should realize that the bees are just looking for a new queen and a new hive. And...you don't have to do anything. Just let them be. As long as they're not coming into your home or garage, they will likely be gone in about a day. Scouts in the swarm will have found a new hive, which might be a crevice in a tree or other suitable structure. However, if they look like they might be settling into the eaves of your house or a crack in your garage, do not call an exterminator!  Bees are very precious - they are responsible for pollinating one in every three bites of food we consume. Contact your county's or state's beekeeping association and they will be able to help. They will have a dedicated team of beekeepers who can come to your home and safely remove and relocate the swarm.